Some tips on drying your laundry on a rainy day

So the seasons are changing and so too is the weather! If you haven’t got a tumble dryer, or are worried about the cost of using one, then this may lead to getting inventive in finding alternative ways to dry your clothes.

Some types of fabric are not suitable for machine drying, and laundry dryers can use a significant amount of electricity so why not explore ways of drying fabric indoors without turning to technology?

The key is to avoid letting the clothes take too long to dry – washing clothes again because they’ve acquired a musty smell is the last thing you want to do! Make washing and drying clothes indoors an easier and quicker process by following these tips and tricks:

  • Invest in a good clothes-drying rack and position it in a sunny and breezy area of the house.
  • Make sure there is plenty of space on the rack between each item of clothing. Clothes will take much longer to dry without proper air circulation.
  • Hang items like dresses and shirts on clothes hangers. This not only encourages good air circulation around the clothes, but it also means they will dry crease-free.
  • Wash and dry clothes in the morning, as indoor drying is much more effective in the warmth and light of the day. If you hang your clothes up to dry first thing in the morning, they are likely to be ready to put away by evening time.
  • Don’t be tempted to hang any partially dry clothes in the wardrobe. They won’t dry properly and the dampness could lead to mould growth and musty smells.
  • Invest in a dehumidifier and use it when you are drying clothes. It will help your clothes to dry more quickly by reducing the humidity in the air.

Remember: one of the easiest ways of drying clothes indoors is to place them on a stand in a well-ventilated, open-spaced area. Give your clothes room to breathe and allow air to circulate and help with drying fabrics.

At The Ironing Lady of Weymouth we offer a drying service for your laundry at a competitive price and you do not have to spend hours in the laundrette watching your clothes dry. Call us today on 07979 597982 to find out more.

Published by The Sage Page


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