Back to school …. back to ironing those kids’ uniforms!

The summer holidays are quickly coming to an end and now it’s time to think about preparing the children’s school uniforms for Autumn Term. So here are a few tips on how to get those uniforms pristinely pressed!

Iron trousers and skirts using a damp, clean cloth to help prevent shine. Alternatively, try ironing your garments inside out. If you need to put creases down trouser legs, use a damp cloth over the line. Pleated skirts can be a chore – but pleats are designed to stay in, so wash and hang for best results.

Don’t forget the PE kit. Don’t leave damp sports gear in the sports bag for any longer than necessary, as mildew can develop and odours can be difficult to remove.

Is the sports kit already in a bit of a state? Depending on the type of fabric and the colours, soak in a solution of white vinegar and water for an hour, and then wash as per instructions. For whites, use a mild bleach solution. Put trainers in the washing machine in a laundry bag with detergent and a cup of white vinegar. Stuff with newspaper and dry away from direct heat.

If the prospect of ironing countless shirts, blouses, skirts, trousers and blazers is filling you with dread then give The Ironing Lady of Weymouth a call on 07979 597982 and let us take on the hard work for you.

Published by The Sage Page


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